Occasional Papers and Lectures

on Latino and Latin American Issues

The Center for Latino Research (CLR) at DePaul University occasional papers series focuses on issues affecting Latino communities in the United States, and Latin America. Among other topics covered are literature, art, politics, immigration, religion, education, health, race, and gender.


To provide a forum for scholars, organizers, and activists from as many areas of expertise of Latinos and Latin America as possible. The series welcomes and encourages contributions from scholars in all disciplines.


We will consider and review contributions from as wide as a spectrum of people as possible. Contributors may include and will not be limited to academics, community organizers, political activists, labor organizers, writers, poets, artists, and educators. Before acceptance, all contributions are reviewed by members of the DePaul faculty along with readers from other institutions with expertise on the subject matter.

Guidelines for Submitting Work

While the series draws mainly from contributions generated by the CLR yearly speakers series, manuscripts are regularly solicited from other contributors in order to maintain a balance of topics covered by the series. All lectures, research reports, and manuscripts from the series and other contributions are deposited in the Latino Archives of DePaul University Library.

Manuscripts must not exceed 60 pages (typed and double-spaced). There is no minimum, nor time limit, we accept works throughout the year. Please submit two copies of your work, along with a one page summary, your curriculum vitae, and a self-addressed post card to:

FĂ©lix Masud-Piloto, Ph.D
Occasional Papers and Lectures
Center for Latino Research
DePaul University
2320 N. Kenmore
Chicago, Illinois, 60614-3298

Telephone: (312) 325-7472
Fax: (312) 325-7304

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Last Updated: March 11, 1996