Ecuador Inkas

"A People who have a past, have a history and culture.
A Culture with history will never die.

Conquered, maybe - forgotten, NEVER!"

We are here anew.

America Is Ours!

"We Are the Inkas!!"
"Un pueblo que tiene un pasado
Tiene una Historia, una Cultura.

Una Cultura con Historia nunca puede morir.


Nos conquistaron,
Cosecharon nuestros frutos
Cortaron las ramas
Destrozaron el ‡rbol.

Pero olvidaron matar la ra’z
Aqui estamos de nuevo.

Aunque traten do ocultarnos y borranos.

AmŽrica es NUESTRA

Reclamamos lo que nos pertenece"

Marcelo Farinango, Manager

"We, the Ecuador Inkas, carry on the traditions of our ancestors, in the music we play. Ours is a young generation, but we carry the soul of our people through our songs. It is with heart-felt expression of love, peace, and brotherhood that we dedicate this home page to you, as a means to discover our rich culture. Our music is a popular music - in the fight for dignity and true independence! We are the inhabitants of the altiplano: sons and daughters of the hard earth, the implacable winds, and the summits held in silence."

"La mœsica de los pueblos andinos
No es una mœsica muerta,
No es una art’culo de museo.

Es un rico ma–antial
Lleno de m‡gicos sonidos,
Una herencia que cultivar y defender.

Los arados, los sembr’os,
Las cosechas y su amor,
Dan al indio en este mundo.

Alegr’a en su dolor
Duelte de mis dolencias
A ser fel’z
Porque infel’z yo he nacido."

"For as different as we all may seem,
When details are compared,
We are all one,
and the same."

Pues por muy diferentes que podamos parecer,
A la hora de comparar complejidades
Todas somos una,
y la misma.

Ecuador Inkas
6120 North Kenmore Avenue 6E
Chicago, IL 60660-2727

Telephone Numbers:


(5936) 595-885 (in Ecuador)

"Vamos a Ecuador - INKAS"
(a people always on the move)

"Tierra de la gente MORENA"

Lamento de Indio

"I pray for the night to come,
So that I can have in my dreams;

Everything which I can not have
When I am awake."

"El indio huy— desde su piel al fondo...
Desmenuz— sus torres torrenciales y
Recibi— su paquete de harapos."

Pablo Nerudo

"At my death,
I should like to be buried
In an earthen jar,
To be worthy of, and
Equal to my ancestors.

Vasijo de Barro
(The Earthen Jar - Song from Ecuador)


Other Quichua Home Pages

Ucsha Urcuman (Poems)

Antikuna –auraytaki
Chay paqcha tarikun
juk sunqoyakusqa sacha sachapi:
puqllayqachaq ye atipaq chay kikinmantapacha.

La mœsica andina
es una cascada
que se encuentra en un bosque tranquilo:
juguetona y poderosa al mismo tiempo.
Andean music
is a waterfall
encountered in a quiet forest:
playful and powerful at the same time.

"Ali Shungu"
(good heart)

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Compiled by:Glenn Welker

This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.